The arrangement of the planets
and the dismal look of the coffee grounds
tell us there is no God and
the angels are not omnipotent.
And all other characters,
portents, signs and marks
don’t clarify crap,
only drown everything in obscurity.
All the thoughts in my mind
bob around and are disjointed,
and all my friends’ verses
are uncut and uncouth.
When I scurry about the city,
on business or out strolling,
I catch with my accustomed ear
from every side only the sound “uck”.
Overworked like a truck,
whimpering like an ailing bitch,
the language’s been stripped of grammar,
you can’t tell one sound from the next.
The fool yelling from a mile away,
and the windbag drawing you aside,
they’re all speaking emptiness,
the words flow into a funnel,
which gurgled, then was gone entirely,
already merged into a simple howl.
But a wing is still rustling,
fluttering overhead.
and the dismal look of the coffee grounds
tell us there is no God and
the angels are not omnipotent.
And all other characters,
portents, signs and marks
don’t clarify crap,
only drown everything in obscurity.
All the thoughts in my mind
bob around and are disjointed,
and all my friends’ verses
are uncut and uncouth.
When I scurry about the city,
on business or out strolling,
I catch with my accustomed ear
from every side only the sound “uck”.
Overworked like a truck,
whimpering like an ailing bitch,
the language’s been stripped of grammar,
you can’t tell one sound from the next.
The fool yelling from a mile away,
and the windbag drawing you aside,
they’re all speaking emptiness,
the words flow into a funnel,
which gurgled, then was gone entirely,
already merged into a simple howl.
But a wing is still rustling,
fluttering overhead.
Расположение планет
и мрачный вид кофейной гущи
нам говорят, что Бога нет
и ангелы не всемогущи.
И все другие письмена,
приметы, признаки и знаки
не проясняют ни хрена,
а только топят все во мраке.
Все мысли в голове моей
подпрыгивают и бессвязаны,
и все стихи моих друзей
безo'бразны и безобра'зны.
Когда по городу сную,
по делу или так гуляю,
повсюду только гласный У
привычным ухом уловляю.
Натруженный, как грузовик,
скулящий, как больная сука,
лишен грамматики язык,
где звук не отличим от звука.
Дурак, орущий за версту,
болтун, уведший вас в сторонку,
все произносят пустоту,
слова сливаются в воронку,
забулькало, совсем ушло,
уже слилось к снлошному вою.
Но шелестит еще крыло,
летящее над головою.
(Translation © Henry Pickford)
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